Balancing forces exist in nature. Gravity is countered by natural force, movement is countered by friction, and every powerful governing force, such as a Czar or King, is countered at least partially by the nobility.
A king will be able to do whatever he wishes to do. Should the corn supply in his fiefdom raise, he can raise taxes. Should a neighboring kingdom refuse to wed their princess to his prince, a war would not be far off. Anything he would wish to do, good or bad, would be within the realm of possibility. Every good king in history has been legendary. Every bad king has been horrible. Nowadays.....
We have removed the king. In England, the royal family are more or less celebrities without any real power. In America, we have the president. The latest of the presidents that we elected was elected because he wished to change things for the better. He was to be the first in eight years who did something positive for the country, and he wanted to do a good deal of things. It was later found, however, that he is not quite as all powerful as a king.
Why is this, you ask? Why can't this man do everything we want him to do?
The answer is simple. America has set up a system that prevents too much power from being in the hands of one man. The founding fathers decided that, rather than having one person and letting fate go off how good or bad he is..... They would rather add opposition and prevent anything bad from happening. Unfortunately, this also prevented the positive from coming about, because the odds of getting someone bad in office is...... Well, I'd say equal to the chances of getting someone good in office. And the original thought was that it should be easier to stop something from happening than to cause something to happen.
Obama was not running against Mccain. Obama was running against the system which detests change, requiring more than just a majority to be successful. America's slogan from the beginning was "The same unless everybody agrees otherwise", and Obama's mantle was that of change. The republican ideal of resistance against change is, by the by, their most powerful candidate. It's far more simple task to resist change than it is to cause it.
If Obama was a king, he would have been capable of doing something. But.... No, he's just president. He isn't all powerful, and no matter how pure his intentions, he cannot fix things alone.
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